Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Join us! Let's Get To Paid Autosurfs!

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Say clearly and it already former come over, and do it!

I supported it so that the introducer did not leave it and I read it and threw away the email which I continued feeling every day, and on earth, as for you, a reward only for which was provided so far?

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I answered a questionnaire desperately, and, as for you, what was provided?
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All of them are gloomy.

Even if it does its best simply, it will be $ 10 degree to the utmost.
Your anxiety occurs at the same time.
Neither peace nor an income visits it.
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Let's already stop it!

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Discuss the rights and wrongs of a reliable account PAYPAL.

A commentary method of a detailed account is Japanese in PAYPAL, and please refer to a commentary.
It is written very kindly.

And, in the case of signup, there is a column of a means of payment.
Therefore I choose PAYPAL, and, in the horizontal OX, please make entry of one's email address which I registered myself with in PAYPAL.

These anything is not difficult.
Most sites are almost same as.

Then I will try to go!

I will try Paid-to-surf,and will report how much! is a fully automated website traffic generator using the most advanced automatic checking systems on the web. A 'view & earn' page exchange displays thousands of pages 24/7 and a banner rotation system enables Partners to promote their websites to a huge audience.

Hot NEW PAID TO AUTOSurf Program from the owner of dadndaves Autosurfinfo page!!
This is renew!

Cashout requests will be processed in the order they are received and should be completed by the end of day 8.

You've discovered the most beautiful handmade leather guitar straps and bass straps available on the Internet.

GottaLotta Hits is an amazing internet marketing program designed to help you gettalotta profit. Our program was designed to help you gettalotta hits to your site and help you earn some additional dough while doing it! A win-win situation.

By surfing 25 sites a day, you can earn 1.25% of your upgraded membership level, up to $125 a day.

For example, if you purchase 50 upgrade units you will be able to earn 1.25% of your $500 membership level; this equates to $6.25 a day, or $187.50 a month. Your account can be upgraded to a maximum of 1000 units ($10,000) which enables you to earn a maximum of $125 a day, or $3750 a month.

Upgrade units expire after 180 days (roughly 6 months). So, your first 80 days you are playing catch up while profiting for the next 100 days. In our maximum example above, a member upgrades with $10,000 and then earns $125 daily for 80 days to recoup their membership fees.
After surfing for another 100 days you will have earned $22,500, a profit of $12,500. Do the same thing again and you can profit $25,000 a year on just one account!
As a special bonus for new members, when you upgrade your membership by 6 or more units ($60+) you will get 1 unit ($10) free (plus your signup bonus). That means you can earn 1.25% of $80+ daily! Surf 25 sites per day, for 180 days, and earn 225%. Upgrade twice a year and earn 550%!

As you probably know Hurricane Katrina has caused massive devastation in America.
Our hearts go out to those affected.
Several organizations are asking for assistance to help the recovery process, one that is well know is The Red Cross, donations can be made at their website, any assistance you give to them or other organizations helping in the relief effort will be appreciated by those that they help.

An unique paid to 'autosurf' program which offers members attractive returns.
You get $10 to start earning cash and 100 credits to advertise your sites and products.
By viewing our members pages via our rotator, you earn cash and credits so you advertisement is free.
Of course,
if you need extra credit, you may purchase them from us at a very economical rate.
In addition, you will be able to purchase goods and gifts at very attractive prices.
We constantly liaise with manufacturers and wholesalers for the best prices possible which we offer to members for redemption or purchase at Netsurf123.
Services include hosting, software sales and support. All goods, gifts and services offered by us can be redeemed from your earnings.
If your earnings are insufficient, all you have to do is top up the difference.

Get paid up to $3100 Monthly - no selling, no marketing, just surfing! has to be the fastest, easiest way to make money on the Internet.
Make more on purchases of Hosting and Websites. Many more ways of earnings coming soon..
Join now and start making money TODAY!
View 40 to 80 of our members' sites and earn real money!
At 123eTraffic, YOU decide how much you want to be paid! You can earn up to $100 for each day that you log in and watch 40 to 80 of member websites.
It doesn't get any easier than this!
You can earn on each and every hosting order you or your downline bring in.
You will be paid every month as long as subscription stays live if it is monthly payment and one time a year if it is yearly payment.
Just use same email address as you registered with 123eTraffic to get credit.
You can earn on each and every domain name registration order you bring in. Just use same email address as you registered with 123eTraffic to get credit.
If you pay to upgrade your account and choose to sign up your friends, you can get 10% of the cash value of the upgrades they buy.
That is up to $1000 each!

No time to surf?
Simply buy credits and advertise your sites with no effort at all.

How to earn:
There are 2 ways you can earn on Profoundhits.As a free member you receive credits each month and for each site you surf.
If you upgrade to paid member in first 30 days, you will also receive a 10.00 bonus. Upgraded members only need to surf 60
sites to ean 1% of their level. Free Members need to upgrade, to earn while surfing. Another way to earn on Profoundhits is to
refer new members. When the members you refer Upgrades, you will receive 10% of their upgrade:

Now da rulz:
All sites must be in english or significant english content. No Popups allowed. Message Boxes, Redirects, Framebreakers, Adult
or Hate sites are NOT Allowed. ANY site that has automatic or "stealth" downloads will be considered cause for removal. All
inactive accounts are deleted after 60 days. If you won't be around for a while please let us know so we don't delete your account. This is your only warning is not your ordinary autosurf traffic exchange. Years of experience in Internet services gives us an edge over all of the "newbie" here today gone tomorrow autosurf websites. You can rest assured that we will work diligently to bring you the best service & results. If you are looking to bring quality traffic to your websites or if you are looking to earn some extra money for auto surfing, you have come to the right place! We are here to stay. Signup now for free & we will give you a $10.00 traffic pack to start.



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